
About Atharv Singh

Atharv Singh, born 03 March 2005, is the Chairman and Founder of The Emissary Media Network. He leads a team of over a 100 young individuals from 14 nationalities at The Emissary. An alumn of the Mayo College, Ajmer, he is currently pursuing undergraduate education at Sciences Po, Paris, Asia – Pacific Campus. Atharv is also serving as the Chairman of Purus Research, a private investment fund positioned in sustainable and emerging technologies and concepts. An ingrained aficionado of politics, global & current affairs, history and culture, Atharv, is an avid reader and a prolific writer. His first work, titled – “The Islamic Republic of Iran: A Future in Peril” was published in the International Journal for Social Science and Economic Research in 2020. Thereafter, Atharv has authored numerous works on global affairs, politics and economics, that have been published across myriad platforms, including the Education Times, the Nav Bharat Times and the Times of India. Most of Atharv’s compositions are available at this platform. (Link to blogs) In the unfathomable world of knowledge, Atharv is a learner. He believes in combining his growing awareness of our
world with a certain set of humane virtues to foster his best self and contribute to encouraging the collective abilities of the global society to tread towards its most meaningful version. Through The Emissary and its myriad multifaceted programs, Atharv has aspired to induce awareness, at its greatest possible extent, in the youngest global citizens to nurture an astute worldwide citizenry with paramount aspirations of peace and shared prosperity.Since its inception in 2022, The Emissary has forwarded youth engagement in Indian parliamentary affairs, bureaucratic and policy making discourses, the 2023 G 20 summit, and corporate partnership across various industries.

Cumulative applications for The Emissary’s various program stand at over 12,000 as of May 2024. The Emissary Cares, the volunteering wing of The Emissary, has garnered broad-based pecuniary and material support for NGOs in India. Ending 2023, The Emissary Cares’ raised INR 14 lacs to support 5 NGOs based in Delhi NCR, Jaipur, Bharatpur and Sirsa. The total pecuniary support provided in 2023 saw a 7 fold increase compared 2022. The Emissary Cares’, through its international partnerships, has dispensed pecuniary support in Somalia and Bangladesh. As of December 2023, The Emissary Cares consisted of over 430+ volunteers. At Purus Research, Atharv, as Chairman, oversees the firm’s portfolio that is based upon the consolidated investments of 17 high net worth individuals. Purus Research’s fund is operated by young finance scholars learning at the most competitive finance institutions of the world. The firm seeks to integrate the nascent perspectives of emanating finance and economics scholars with novel industries, technologies and concepts that will transfigure the global economy and the world at large. Along the lines of sustainable development, ESG governance and green growth, Purus Research advances innovation in pioneering technologies, industries and concepts of posterity. The juggernaut of Purus Research’s investment ambitions engendered by inimitable and newfangled perspectives, which are innately subject to considerable volatility, obliges it to be an exclusive and privately held fund. Nevertheless, Purus’s leadership, contingent to the fund’s long term performance, would seek to involve institutional and retail investors. Atharv’s mother tongue is Hindi and he is fluent in English. He is an intermediate learner of Japanese and an
introductory learner of German and French. Atharv considers himself to be an undistinguished learner of languages. Atharv’s leisure consists of reading and consuming informative materials on Astronomy and Palaeontology. He revels in the discovery of the unfathomable cosmos and the extensive thoroughness of our planet’s history and evolution. Atharv has cleared two levels in the International Astronomy and Astrophysics Competition (IAAC). These subjects, according to Atharv, let him to explore the unplumbed human consciousness and its ineffable wonders. Atharv is not much of a sports person. Although, he does cherish playing tennis and is a fine swimmer.


Atharv’s interests lie in global and strategic affairs, politics, history and science. He passionately undertakes work at different levels and follows all these topics through various means. Often he is seen locked in abyssal conversations on these subjects with various experts and thoroughly enjoys interacting on these. Atharv also is a keen learner of Paleontology and Astronomy, he can be found reading books and watching documentaries on these in his spare time. Sometimes, he can be seen struggling with his telescope of which he is too fond.

He believes that exposure to these kinds of research oriented subjects enables an individual to discover the strength of his/her imagination and deepens curiosity which in turn enhances creativity. Therefore, he aims to take these subjects to the masses and help them discover their curious self and strength of their imagination.

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