The Entrepreneur

The Entrepreneur

Atharv’s deep-vested interests in political affairs, since a tender age, flourished into an insatiable desire to learn more about the social context of our world. Since childhood, Atharv relished learning, by interacting with much older individuals on various subjects, exploring documentaries on history or perusing newspapers and books on politics, religion and culture. As his understanding of people around the world, the way their lives function, the divergent histories they have had, and the one planet they inhabit, expanded. It also stimulated a great ability in him to envision and aspire inconceivable feats of progress and prosperity for our world. 

“There is a saying – Bad Times Create Strong Men; Strong Men Create Good Times; And Good Times Create Weak Men – it is evident on multiple occasions in history. Today’s times are worse than bad, and the hope relies on the strongest of men to create a united global society that passes on a legacy of respect, prosperity and greatness over generations. Never letting grimness and conflict take toll over our aspirations and unity”



The Emissary: An insight into Atharv’s aspirations and commitments.


The Emissary is an outright representation of Atharv. It envisions a global impact by initiating a global movement and harnessing the many capacities of the global population. Atharv describes The Emissary as his reaction to global developments and how, in numerous ways, they deplore our present and jeopardise our future. Even today, nothing motivates Atharv more than knowing what he or his firm does, is eventually a step towards the fulfilment of a larger vision. A vision of a peaceful, prosperous and progressive world, thriving on an aware and astute global citizenry.


Through Mass-media’s versatile power, The Emissary seeks to ready this wholly aware and astute global citizenry of the 21st century. In doing the same, it relies on teenagers, hence, also fostering future generations of enlightened citizens with crucial early experiences and exposures of our world. Delivering fact-based and open-ended news & information, honing curiosity and intellectual thinking, to nurture a global society of thoughtful citizens, aspiring meaningful developments.

Personal Growth – something he wishes for all to experience. 

Individually, The Emissary has empowered Atharv to take his message across an audience and also to act on concerns that are vital to him. As its Chairman & Founder, the empowerment Atharv has sensed, personally, is something he wishes to provide to his colleagues and peers. “In a time when students are in a rut for certifications and so to build their careers, The Emissary, provides with exposures and experiences that enable them to be confident, virtuous and capable of taking on the world”. Atharv’s hopes are further galvanised as he witnesses the personal growth of his colleagues. 

Another less-known aspect Atharv greatly appreciates from his endeavour of The Emissary – is the learning, knowledge and the challenges that came along the way. The past 1.5 years have presented Atharv, almost on a daily basis, with rigorous challenges of myriad kinds. Over time Atharv’s approach to these issues, generally pertinent to management & execution, has evolved to take a highly serene and unambiguous tone. 

“I am a firm believer in grit and consistency. One enables you to do all that needs to be done and the other makes you do that every day”


The Road Ahead…

Equipped with abilities to swiftly execute ideas, manage various engagements and connect with an ever-expanding audience. Atharv is ready to build upon the vision, foundation of which has been laid by The Emissary. He dedicates most of his time to The Emissary’s further development and expansion. But, also keeps a constant check on the new avenues of opportunities that are surfacing with the introduction of technologies such as Artificial Intelligence, Virtual & Augmented Realities etc.  He has ensured the provision of elaborate space for these concepts within The Emissary too. 

While The Emissary settles in a rapidly evolving and increasingly complex world. Atharv is pondering over the transiliences in our lives and the opportunities they present in the developing world. He is exploring the blends of technology & climate change, especially that of energy transition and its most efficient means.  

Atharv’s entrepreneurial journey is simply dawning right now. Nevertheless, he has an explicit vision and an undeterring commitment that gets him out of bed every morning. As The Emissary comes true on more of its aspirations and vision, and our world continues to evolve, Atharv’s entrepreneurial journey only extends beyond horizons and imaginations. 


“Learning” is Atharv’s mantra as an Entrepreneur and in people is his belief. 

Wish to share with Atharv, your ideas and aspirations? – Write to him

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